Linda and Rich’s beautiful celebration of marriage took place at St. George’s-by-the-River surrounded by family, friends and colleagues during the historic heat wave that gripped the East Coast in late July. Linda was absolutely radiant in her sapphire blue wedding gown. I just love her smile! Linda was escorted down the aisle by her son Kevin.Their grandchildren were so excited and happy to take portraits with their newly wed grandparents!Rich was so handsome in his tuxedo and just couldn’t stop smiling!The mix of  vibrant colors of the bridal party were very cheery and just perfect for a summer wedding!Linda and Rich couldn’t have been any sweeter as they danced their first dance together. They couldn’t keep the smiles off their faces all day long! Congratulations Linda and Rich!

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Louise Conover happily captures classic, fun, and romantic moments to be cherished and loved for years to come! ♥️


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